• In a previous article we focused on the main things to look out for when buying LED Strip Lights for the first time. Now LED Strip light are going to take you through the next phase; installation. Installing your LED Strips can be anything from very simple to quite difficult, but ultimately it all depends on what end result you are trying to achieve with your lighting system. For example, introducing a 1 metre strip of LED lighting into your kitchen cabinet may be a lot more straight forward than using 20 metres of RGB LED Strip Lights to outfit a club and run this on DMX Control. Regardless of what you do there are a few universal things to look out for and this article will take you through some of them.

    We will start with the LED Tape itself. This consists of a long piece of high impact, flexible circuit board with surface mounted devices, or SMDs, positioned along its length. There are a few different things to consider here including, LEDs per metre, LED chip size, strip light colour and length. Strip Lights are available in two LED per metre varieties, 30 LED per metre and 60 LED per metre. As suggested by the name the latter has twice as many LEDs and is a lot brighter than the former. They are designed to be used in a lighting context where they are forced to compete with background illumination. So for example if you want to use them in a daylight setting, such as a shop street display, or add them to a room that already has general illumination and still want them to be seen, you should opt for 60 LED per metre as their sharper light output makes them suitable for these purposes. Aside from this a 30 LED per metre strip will be able to handle most other lighting arrangements, such as club setups, or anywhere else they don't have to compete with background lighting.

    When you look at the specifications of strip lighting you will usually notice a series of four numbers that to most people might not mean a lot. These actually refer to the size of the individual LEDs on the strips. Typically you will find chip sizes of either 5050 (5mm by 5mm) or 3528 (3.5mm by 2.8mm). The key difference between these two types of chip size is the consistency of light they produce. Smaller LEDs will create a more jagged and inconsistent effect, while larger LEDs will provide a more even spread of light.

    Another decision to make is exactly what colour strip light you want to buy. They are usually available in three main colour varieties, including warm and cool white and interchangeable RGB. The former two are for adding stylish ambient lighting to commercial and domestic settings while avoiding being too garish with the end result. They can be used to aesthetically to enhance the appearance of a room by adding layered or accent lighting, or they can add functionality to kitchens, bathrooms or offices where they can be used as task lighting to aid work. RGB LED is a direct substitute for old fashioned disco lighting and offers thousands of programmable effects. Typically they will run directly from a remote control which works in conjunction with a red eye sensor attached between the strip light and transformer. However, DMX Control is also an option. This is a form of advanced effects programming that uses an industry standard signal to control the brightness, colour and frequency of the lights.

    The most obvious consideration to make is the exact length of strip lighting that you require. This depends on the nature of your setup and how complex your intentions are. Usually most lighting arrangements can be achieved with a single strip. Strip Lights are available in 5 metre and 10 metre reels as standard, but longer or shorter bespoke lengths can be ordered so call your provider to find out. Lengthening or shortening strip lighting can be done all by yourself as well. To shorten a strip light can be done by simply cutting the strip at one of its cutting points spaced approximately 5cm apart along the length of the light. To attach two pieces of strip together, and thereby increase the length of the light, you will need a soldering iron and some two core wire. Simply solder these wires to their respective plus and minus solder points at the end of the strip light where the cut has been made and do the same on the other strip to complete the connection. This method can be used to achieve a bit of extra length, especially when trailing them around a large corner.

    This article has given you a few of the main specifications associated with LED Strip Lighting and how to ensure you get exactly the right light you desire for your purposes. Look out for additional articles on how to make sure you meet the power requirements of your lighting system.

    Peter Jenny is an experienced writer with a Masters Degree in Operations Management. Peter has a wealth of experience in the lighting industry and is keen to share his knowledge about upcoming products and new discussions around LED lighting. He is currently working as a Content Manager at Wholesale LED Lights, UK.

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  • Recently, while I was listening to music, I was thinking of lyrics and music of that song. Does lyrics play a prominent role or music in a song? Maybe this is the most common thinking that many of music listeners have them in mind. Let us gain some clarity for this confusion. Lyrics contain verses and choruses that make up a word and these words make a song. Any song before it is being done goes through several interpretations and to become an ideal song, it should have a message in it. Since lyrics are used to convey this message, it is definitely considered as important part of any song.

    However, there are few songs that concentrate only on music rather than lyrics. Though lyrics are fine enough, if the music is not good then listeners won't show interest in that song. Let us think that you have the best songwriter to write a beautiful yet lovely song, but if there are ugly music sounds in the background no one would show interest in it. Here comes the importance of music in a song.

    It is not good to rely completely on lyrics or on music to make your song popular. Both of them have their own importance which is an acceptable truth. However, you can find many artists who become popular for their lyrics alone or music. The quality of song is determined by both lyrics and music. They both go hand-in-hand. Nowadays, lyrics have become the effective medium to convey any social message, especially to young people. We should never underestimate the power of lyrics, as this has more significance than ever. Every one of us relates ourselves to the lyrics in our special song and it becomes the important song in our lives.

    We cannot imagine this world without music as it has become an essential part of our life. From celebrations to grief, every occasion begins and ends with a music. soundtrack lyrics makes us feel and lyrics make us think. This is the reason we can emotionally relate to the song and it can manipulate our mood without our knowledge. Thus both the aspects of music and Lyric are equally important, but we should never ignore the meaning of lyrics as it can show an impact on the listener. The key element to be considered while listening to music is give Value to the lyrics and enjoy tune of music.

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  • Kể từ khi các đài bắt buộc phải phát tín hiệu TV độ nét cao, TV có thể thu các tín hiệu này đã trở nên phổ biến. Ti vi độ nét cao mang đến cho người xem những hình ảnh rõ ràng hơn, công nghệ âm thanh vòm tốt hơn, sắc nét hơn và quan trọng nhất là hình ảnh có độ phân giải vượt trội. Bài viết này thảo luận về lý do tại sao TV độ nét cao là lựa chọn phù hợp.

    Tại sao có Ti vi độ nét cao?

    1. Độ phân giải hình ảnh cao

    Ti vi có thể thu và truyền tín hiệu HD cung cấp độ phân giải hình ảnh cao hơn nhiều so với hầu hết các ti vi sử dụng công nghệ kỹ thuật số và độ phân giải không cao. Điều này dẫn đến chất lượng hình ảnh sắc nét hơn nếu bạn có TV độ nét cao.

    2. Tỷ lệ khung hình tăng

    Ti vi kỹ thuật số hiện có sẵn có tỷ lệ khung hình 4: 3, trong khi tỷ lệ khung hình cho TV độ nét cao cao hơn nhiều vào khoảng 16: 9. truyền hình trực tuyến qpvn lệ khung hình là chiều cao và chiều rộng của màn hình.

    Điều này có nghĩa là tỷ lệ 4: 3 có màn hình có chiều rộng là 4 feet và chiều cao là 3 feet và giống với tỷ lệ khung hình là 16: 9 được tìm thấy trên TV độ nét cao. Tỷ lệ khung hình cao hơn này trên TV độ phân giải cao có nghĩa là những chiếc TV này có chất lượng hình ảnh sắc nét và rõ ràng hơn nhiều so với TV kỹ thuật số.

    3. Âm thanh vòm - Dolby A3 Digital

    Âm thanh vòm kỹ thuật số Dolby A3 được trang bị trên những TV này và là tiêu chuẩn trên hầu hết các TV độ phân giải cao. Điều này có nghĩa là các TV có độ phân giải cao cung cấp các kênh độc lập (5.1) âm thanh vòm nổi có chất lượng đĩa compact thường được gọi là AC-3.

    4. Giảm các Tạo tác Chuyển động

    Các hiện vật chuyển động, một số ít trong số đó là hiện tượng thu thập dữ liệu chấm và bóng ma hiện diện trên các TV kém công nghệ tiên tiến hơn được giảm bớt trên TV HD, điều này làm cho TV độ nét cao trở thành niềm vui xem cho hầu hết nếu không phải là tất cả những người có những chiếc TV này.

    Cân nhắc bổ sung Mua TV độ nét cao

    1. Các giắc cắm đầu vào và đầu ra trên TV độ phân giải cao cần được người mua tiềm năng chú ý là giắc cắm này phải tương thích với các thiết bị khác được gắn vào TV như đầu DVD, bảng điều khiển trò chơi điện tử, cáp kết nối, v.v.

    2. Khả năng tương thích của bộ dò độ nét cao với TV HD cao là rất quan trọng. Kiểm tra khả năng tương thích với dịch vụ vệ tinh hoặc cáp được sử dụng trước khi mua.

    3. Liệu người mua có cần một ăng-ten bên ngoài để phát sóng không. Trước tiên, hãy kiểm tra để đảm bảo rằng TV HD có thể nhận được các chương trình phát sóng. Nếu TV HD không thể dễ dàng nhận được các chương trình phát sóng không có sóng này, người mua có thể cần sử dụng ăng-ten của riêng mình ở bên ngoài.

    Ti vi HD là lựa chọn phù hợp và bạn sẽ có thể dễ dàng tìm thấy một chiếc tivi đáp ứng được mong muốn và túi tiền của mình.

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  • A lot of performing songwriters share the fear of forgetting their lyrics when they're playing in front of an audience. Even though you probably thought that's an incurable problem, there are things you can do to help keep those lyrics flowing.

    "What's the Next Line?"

    A lot of times we start to think "okay, what's the next line?" when we're onstage. We don't normally think that way when we're at home practicing, but on stage we get so afraid of making a mistake and risking social rejection that our fear forces us to ask ourselves these questions. As if it's going to help our performance be perfect.

    Quite the opposite happens, though. Normally when we ask ourselves questions like "what's the next line?" it makes us more nervous, 1. Because it's reminding us that forgetting the lyrics is a possibility (we weren't even thinking of that when we were practicing at home) and 2. It's not what we normally do when we're practicing by ourselves. It's a break in our routine. And the last place we want a break in our routine is when we're up onstage.

    Focus on the Appropriate Emotion

    So how do we alleviate this from happening? The key is to focus your mind on the emotion of the song, and what the lead character is experiencing. Your mind can only really focus on one main thing at a time. When you focus your mind on your emotions and what your lead character is going through in your lyrics, there's no room for the question "what's my next line?" because you're busy thinking about other (more important) things. Get involved in the story you're presenting. Think of game as an actor.

    Not only that, but when you get into thinking about your character's emotions, the lyrics will be there, because you're thinking in terms of a full story and not just a bunch of lines. You're thinking in terms of a whole and not just a few small parts. You're experiencing a story as it happens, as opposed to listing some lines in your head.

    Another great side effect of thinking this way is your stage presence will be better. Why? Well, one of the most important jobs a singer has is to fuse emotion with his lyrics. The lyrics and the delivery of the words need to be working together.

    I'm a big proponent of not using a lyric sheet when you're onstage for this exact reason. Think about the last time you've been to an open mic and saw someone sitting up on his stool singing along to a lyric sheet that's sitting on a music stand in front of him. If you know what I'm talking about, I can pretty much guarantee you've seen a singer whose lyrics are separate from the delivery of his words. It has to be, if he doesn't even know which words are coming next, until he sees them on the page in front of him.

    In the spoken word our voice tone carries a lot more meaning than the words we say. Singing is an exaggerated form of speech, so this concept applies to singing as well. If you start to think about the emotions you should be feeling when you're singing and telling your story, it'll improve your vocal performance.

    Practice, Practice, Practice

    That being said, don't think you can get up on stage completely unprepared using this technique and think the lyrics will just come to you. Practice is crucial.

    Practice at home without your lyric sheet. A lot. Change up the way you practice to focus specifically on your lyrics. Try singing your songs a cappella. Then try singing them a cappella at double their normal speed, just to see how you can handle that change while you're at home practicing. It'll better prepare you for the hectic nature of the stage.

    And if you're someone who currently plays live with a lyric sheet in front of you, you can slowly get away from that habit. If you normally perform five songs with a lyric sheet, next time you have a gig, try only playing four songs with the sheet. When you're confident with that you can drop it down to only three songs with the sheet, then two, etc. Before you know it, you'll wonder why you ever needed the lyric sheet at all during your live performances.

    As a Last Resort, Improvise

    For the moments when you slip up and forget a line, just be cool and throw something else in there. Most people probably won't notice anyway. Especially if it's your own song and they're not familiar with the lyrics. If you forget a lyric DON'T stop playing, or laugh and say something like "I'm so stupid, I forgot my own words." You don't want to draw attention to something that everyone else probably hasn't noticed anyway.

    It's also important to realize that if you forget a line, it's no big deal. You don't want to make a habit of it, but all performers experience some form of forgetfulness from time to time. Just realize it's okay. It doesn't define you, it's just a silly slip up. Then forget it and move on. I can't tell you how important it is to not dwell on small mishaps like that.

    Your Turn

    Remembering your lyrics is a conquerable feat. Just be persistent and remember to focus on the emotions that your lead character is going through. And practice! Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. Most importantly, have fun with it and try not to take each performance too seriously. Just let it be what it was and move forward to the next one.

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  • CBD is one of more than 120 compounds called cannabinoids.

    Many plants contain cannabinoids, but people most commonly link them to cannabis.

    Unlike other cannabinoids — such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — CBD does not produce a euphoric “high” or psychoactive effect. This is because CBD does not affect the same receptors as THC.

    The human body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that receives and translates signals from cannabinoids. It produces some cannabinoids of its own, which are called endocannabinoids. The ECS helps to regulate functions such as sleep, immune-system responses, and pain.

    When THC enters the body, it produces a “high” feeling by affecting the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors. This activates the brain’s reward system, producing pleasure chemicals such as dopamine.

    Does CBD make you high?
    CBD is an entirely different compound from THC, and its effects are very complex. It is not psychoactive, meaning it does not produce a “high” or change a person’s state of mind, but it influences the body to use its own endocannabinoids more effectively.

    According to one study posted to Neurotherapeutics, this is because CBD itself does very little to the ECS. Instead, it activates or inhibits other compounds in the endocannabinoid system.

    For example, CBD stops the body from absorbing anandamide, a compound associated with regulating pain. So, increased levels of anandamide in the bloodstream may reduce the amount of pain a person feels.

    Cannabidiol may also limit inflammation in the brain and nervous system, which may benefit people experiencing pain, insomnia, and certain immune-system responses.

    What is CBD oil?
    Different cannabis plants — often called hemp or marijuana — contain different levels of chemical compounds.

    How people breed the plant affects the CBD levels. Most CBD oil comes from industrial hemp, which usually has a higher CBD content than marijuana.

    Makers of CBD oil use different methods to extract the compound. The extract is then added to a carrier oil and called CBD oil.

    CBD oil comes in many different strengths, and people use it in various ways. It is best to discuss CBD oil with a doctor before using it.

    People have used CBD for thousands of years to treat various types of pain, but the medical community have only recently begun to study it again.

    Here are some of the possible benefits of CBD oil:

    Arthritis pain
    A study in the European Journal of Pain used an animal model to see if CBD could help people with arthritis manage their pain. Researchers applied a topical gel containing CBD to rats with arthritis for 4 days.

    Their researchers note a significant drop in inflammation and signs of pain, without additional side effects.

    People using CBD oil for arthritis may find relief from their pain, but more human studies need to be done to confirm these findings.

    Multiple sclerosis
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the entire body through the nerves and brain.

    Muscle spasms are one of the most common symptoms of MS. These spasms can be so great they cause constant pain in some people.

    One report found that short-term use of CBD oil could reduce the levels of spasticity a person feels. The results are modest, but many people reported a reduction in symptoms. More studies on humans are needed to verify these results.

    Chronic pain
    The same report studied CBD use for general chronic pain. Researchers compiled the results of multiple systematic reviews covering dozens of trials and studies. Their research concluded that there is substantial evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.

    A separate study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine supports these results. This research suggests that using CBD can reduce pain and inflammation.

    The researchers also found that subjects were not likely to build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, so they would not need to increase their dose continually.

    They noted that cannabinoids, such as CBD, could offer helpful new treatments for people with chronic pain.

    Other uses
    CBD currently has a range of applications and promising possibilities.

    These include:

    smoking cessation and drug withdrawal
    treating seizures and epilepsy
    anxiety treatment
    reducing some of the effects of Alzheimer’s, as shown by initial research
    antipsychotic effects on people with schizophrenia
    future applications in combating acne, type 1 diabetes, and cancer
    Although more research is required to confirm some uses of CBD oil, it is shaping up as a potentially promising and versatile treatment.

    In June 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved one form of CBD as a treatment for people with two rare and specific kinds of epilepsy, namely Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) or Dravet syndrome (DS).

    The brand name of this drug is Epidiolex.

    More generally, marijuana derived CBD products are not yet legal at the federal level but are legal under the laws of some states. Hemp derived CBD products that contain less than 0.3% THC are legal federally but are still illegal in certain states.

    People must check their state’s laws and those of anywhere they intend to travel. They must keep in mind that the FDA do not approve or regulate nonprescription CBD products. As a result, labeling may be inaccurate.

    The FDA does not regulate CBD for most conditions. As a result, dosages are currently open to interpretation, and people should treat them with caution.

    Anyone who wishes to use CBD should first speak to a doctor about whether it is a good idea, and how much to take.

    The FDA recently approved a purified form of CBD for some types of epilepsy, with the brand name Epidiolex. If you are using this medication, be sure to follow the doctor’s advice about doses.

    Side effects
    Possible short-term side effects of using CBD oil include fatigue and changes in appetite.
    Most people tolerate CBD oil well, but there are some possible side effects.

    According to a review in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, the most common side effects include:

    changes in appetite
    weight gain or weight loss
    In addition, using CBD oil with other medications may make those medications more or less effective.

    The review also notes that scientists have yet to study some aspects of CBD, such as its long-term effects on hormones. Further long-term studies will be helpful in determining any side effects CBD has on the body over time.

    People who are considering using CBD oil should discuss this with their doctors. Doctors will want to monitor the person for any changes and make adjustments accordingly.

    Consult a doctor before using CBD, as it may interact with certain over-the-counter dietary supplements and medicines, as well as some prescription medications — especially those that warn against consuming grapefruit.

    CBD might also interfere with an enzyme called cytochrome P450 complex. This disruption can affect the liver’s ability to break down toxins, increasing the risk of liver toxicity.

    The patient information leaflet for Epidiolex cautions that there is a risk of liver damage, lethargy, and possibly depression and thoughts of suicide, but these are true of other treatments for epilepsy, too.

    CBD and other cannabinoids may also put the user at risk for lung problems.

    One study in Frontiers in Pharmacology, suggested cannabinoids’ anti-inflammatory effect may reduce inflammation too much.

    A large reduction in inflammation could diminish the lungs’ defense system, increasing the risk of infection.

    Other considerations
    Almost all research on CBD oil and pain comes from adult trials. buy big chief carts do not recommend CBD oil for use in children, as there is little research on the effects of CBD oil on a child’s developing brain.

    However, people may use Epidiolex for children aged 2 years of age and upward who have rare forms of epilepsy.

    A person should consult a doctor if they think a child needs to use CBD oil for seizures.

    CBD oil is also not recommended during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.

    While many studies have suggested CBD oil is helpful for pain, more research is necessary, especially in long-term studies with human subjects.

    However, CBD oil does show a lot of potential for pain relief. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it can be used to help manage chronic pain in many cases.

    CBD oil is especially promising due to its lack of intoxicating effects and a possible lower potential for side effects than many other pain medications.

    People should discuss CBD oil with their doctor if they are considering using it for the first time.

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